Virtual Economics :: First publishing a few minutes after 10am, Blottr broke the news of a bomb alert in London and over the day added pictures, detail and coverage of the events in the square and the controlled explosion carried out in Trafalgar Square around 9am. Mass media picked up the story around 3 hours later.
[Adam Baker, Blottr:] It was the only full story available of the incident for 3 hours, until Sky News put it as their 'breaking' news, followed by the BBC. ...
Blottr had an early tip that London was on alert and used that information to comb Twitter for details before anyone else appeared to even know what was going on. "Whether it was really Blottr or Twitter that 'broke' the story is therefore open to debate," writes Seamus McCauley, virtualeconomics, and asks, if Blottr is "A citizen journalism model that really breaks news?".
Continue to read Seamus McCauley,
Hi Steffen
Thanks for the write-up. Virtualeconomics isn't written by Tim Harford though, splendid fellow though he is - it's by me.
Posted by: seamusmccauley | May 17, 2011 at 11:15 PM